I am Womandla - the slogan T-shirt takeover.

The trend of slogan t-shirts has taken over and the creativity is exceptional.
From the famous “Sebenza Girl” to the latest “Ungenaphi? - an African Proverb”.
Now while I can confess to being a fashion enthusiast, I have learned to be cautious when wearing statement shirts simply because I am a mother and carry the responsibility of being a positive role model in all my choices.
It is worth noting that I have grown quite fond of some of the slogans particularly those that empower woman and encourage the female gender to stand up and claim their thrones!
One of my favorites is The future is female and I loved that these came in kiddies sizes as well. My daughter who dreams of becoming a Pilot wears it proudly because it is a constant reminder of what she one day hopes to accomplish in what she has perceived to be a male dominated industry.
Another favorite is the Sebenza Girl slogan, as a woman in the corporate world, it serves as a reminder that I have had to push boundaries, work twice as hard as my male counterparts to earn respect and recognition. After all is said and done, I get to enjoy every last bit of my hard earned cash and continue to be motivated to get up each morning and grind harder than the day before!
While these slogan tees are fun and great to have, I’d say it is equally as important to ensure we wear them appropriately to bring the message to life. I was on social media the other day and came across a meme referencing a woman wearing the Sebenza Girl slogan while harassing male party goers for drinks. This in my opinion is certainly the incorrect message to attach to the slogan and drives a negative connotation to an otherwise uplifting slogan to go by!
One that I absolutely love is the Womandla slogan...I’m still bitterly heartbroken that I never managed to get one in my size online and in stores!
Womandla is a combination of the words “woman” and “amandla” which is a Zulu/Xhosa word meaning power! This slogan epitomizes what every woman should aspire to be, a woman of power and incredible strength. We carry life, work 8 - 5, run households, cook delicious meals, help with school homework, nurse a bruised knee, love and encourage our partners and cultivate healthy relationships with friends and family. All this with the greatest poise and incredible grace. Woman you are incredible, so the next time you see a slogan tee, think long and hard about how that relates to you and the principles you stand for. Wear it with the understanding that there are those that look up to you and are inspired by the messages you promote and endorse!
#SebenzaGirl #Womandla #TheFutureIsFemale #Fashion #Foschini

Thank you for reading :)


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